Each year, ENERGY STAR ranks the most efficient appliances and general product that represent the leading edge in energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR states, “Product categories were selected and recognition criteria were established to ensure that products that receive...
US Natural Gas Reserves
Natural gas is an ever-changing topic of discussion. With new discoveries, new technology and constant progression it has become big part of our economic focus. The United States and nations around the world are becoming extremely innovative in the process of finding...
Natural Gas History and Use
Natural gas has been around for millions of years. Although it hasn’t been used for energy until fairly recently, its existence was always known although not necessarily understood. Natural gas first came to light as blazing fires underneath of the earth’s crust which...
Is Natural Gas Renewable?
Is natural gas renewable? The answer is a little complicated. Natural gas, the fossil fuel, is not a renewable resource. Much of this natural gas we are burning now formed in deposits nearly 300 million years ago. While it may not take another 300 million years to...